Our Story

Isaac and Vanessa Petit Frere founded Rū Tampa in 2023. Passionate to reach people who have either left the church or have no desire to be part of it, they pioneered The Font TV, an online movement, through worship, poetry, spoken word, and art, impacting thousands in South Florida and beyond. They hosted spirited worship nights called Rū, short for the word Ruah, which means Spirit.

After seven years of prayer, they answered the call to move to Tampa to plant a church that would reach the city with the transforming power of the message of Jesus, to see the city filled with people filled with the Spirit of God.

Isaac and Vanessa are happily married with three children, Ellison, Israel, and Elizabeth Theora.

People walking in an open field

Our Vision

To see Tampa filled with people filled with the Spirit of God

3 men laughing3 women laughing together

Our Mission

Connect people to God, to each other, and to their purpose

Person walking along a wallMother kissing her childShadow of 4 individuals being casted on a wall

Our Code

Things we live and lead by

Jesus is

We live like JESUS. We submit to the Bible and Jesus' teachings, embracing them as God’s plan for a meaningful and purposeful life.

People are

We do it for the ONE. We want everyone to feel like they belong, no matter what they believe, what they've done, or where they're from.

Groups are

We focus on a FEW. Because life change happens in a group not in a crowd.

Generosity is

We give and live like NOTHING is ours. We are radical givers because God gave radically to us.

Our Beliefs

God’s Word

God shows us who He is through Jesus, the Bible, and the world around us.

God’s Nature

God has always existed and will always exist as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

God’s Sovereignty

God created and governs over everything.

God’s Image

God made us in His image, but our sin distorted it, leaving us and the world in need of a savior.

God’s Plan

God saves us by grace through faith in the perfect, finished work of Jesus Christ, God in flesh.

God’s Reign

Jesus Christ reigns and will return to the world to judge the living and the dead.

God’s Church

The Church is Christ’s body’ a global community made up of people who have put their faith in Jesus and are called to spread the gospel and bring glory to Him.

Meet Our Leaders

After seven years of prayer, Isaac and Vanessa answered the call to move to Tampa to plant a church that would reach the city with the transforming power of the message of Jesus, to see the city filled with people filled with the Spirit of God.

Isaac and Vanessa are happily married with three children, Ellison, Israel, and Elizabeth Theora.

Man standing with crossed arms


What does Rū mean?

Rū is short for the Hebrew word “ruah” which means “spirit.”
We are Rū Tampa because our vision is to see the city filled with people filled with the Spirit of God.

Why is it called Rū Tampa?

The name of our church reflects our vision to see the city filled with people filled with the Spirit of God.
Rū is short for the Hebrew word “ruah” which means “spirit.” The name of our church embodies our heart for the city.

What is Rū Tampa's vision?

In short, our vision is to see the city filled with people who are filled with the Spirit of God.

We do that by connecting people to God, to each other, and to their purpose. We engage and empower people to bring the beauty, message, love, and justice of Jesus where they work, live, and play.

How would you describe Rū Tampa's culture?

We’re bold, connecting, inspiring, and passionate! We are a Jesus-centered, people-passionate, group-focused, generous community.
With God’s help, we live according to Jesus’ teaching and life. We love people and want them to belong no matter who they are, where they’re from, or what they’ve done. We love groups because life change happens in groups, not in crowds. We’re generous with all our lives because of God’s generosity towards us.

When and where are your gatherings?

As of right now, we do not have a permanent location. Stay connected with us by filling out our connect card. We’ll update you on locations and times of experiences, events, meetings, and meetups.

Here’s the link: http://ru813.com/connect

Do you provide child care?

Yes! We provide that and more! At Rū Kids, we believe in giving children a fun and safe environment to learn about Jesus and equip parents to disciple their children. Rū Kids is where kids don’t just go to church but become the church by growing in discipleship through connecting with God, with people, and serving others through their purpose.

What is your church’s denomination?

We are a non-denominational church. But we are accountable and covered by a group of churches all around the country.

What is your demographic?

We are proudly multicultural, multiethnic, multiracial, and multigenerational.
What heaven will look like!

How can I be a part?

There are a few ways to be a part of what we’re doing here at Rū Tampa. You can join a grūp. (link: http://ru813.com/grups).

You can serve on the Rū Team. Go to http://ru813.com/ruteam and fill out one (or more) forms for a team you would like to join.

A team lead will follow up with you to tell you the next step to joining the team.

What is your membership process? Is there an orientation?

We do not have a traditional membership. Everyone who comes is a part in some way or form.

If you would like to deepen your commitment to our church, our vision, and our mission, we encourage you to join a grūp (link: http://ru813.com/grups) and/or join a team (link: http://ru813.com/ruteam). A grūp lead or a team lead will work you through our next steps to being a part. 

What platforms can I get my sermons or services on if I miss a gathering?

Our sermons and services will be available OnDemand on the Rū App.

Do I need to be a member to serve?

We do not have a traditional membership. Everyone belongs at Rū Tampa.

To learn more about how you can serve on one of our teams fill out our form at http://ru813.com/ruteam.

How can I give?

At Rū Tampa, generosity is our response. We give like nothing is ours because God gave us everything.

There are four ways to give: 
1. Online at http://give.ru.church 
2. Text the amount to 813.945.8448
3. Send a check payable to Rū Tampa to PO Box 173193 Tampa, FL 33672
4. On the Rū Tampa app

All donations are tax-deductible.
Giving reports are sent at the beginning of the following calendar year.

How is the church’s money spent?

We believe in responsible financial stewardship and transparency.
We commit to an external audit of our books every year and provide an annual report of where the money goes.

Who are your pastors and elders?

Rū Tampa is an elder-governed church, meaning we have a body of elders who oversee and serve our church through spiritual leadership, shepherding, teaching, and disciplinary oversight. However, we are a new church pioneered by Pastor Isaac and Vanessa Petit Frere. Our executive board is comprised of a group of churches that oversee and support our vision. Over time, our Executive Board will be comprised of leaders in Rū Tampa, and our Elder Board will be comprised of faithful men who govern and shepherd our church movement.

What is your theology on women in the church?

We believe that men and women, while created differently, are equal. But we also believe that equal doesn’t mean the same. Men and women have been given different roles to complement one another without placing one above another. We believe this to be true in the home and in the church. 

While the roles may be distinct, the Spirit of God fills all, and by consequence, spiritual gifts have been given to both men and women. 

We believe that the gifts described in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, from service to leading to preaching and teaching, can be performed by both men and women. The only role we reserve to exclusively to men in the church is the spiritual oversight of the elders.

Do you accept the LGTBQ community?

We believe that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is made in the image of God. God loves every one of us, and salvation is for the straight and every member of the LGBTQIA+ community. We also believe that God’s perfect design for sexual intimacy is a monogamous sexual relationship between one man and one woman in the covenant of marriage.